Cockburn’s of Leith Mural

Cockburn’s of Leith was founded in Edinburgh in 1796 by Robert Cockburn, brother of the famous literary figure, Lord Cockburn. Spanning four centuries, it has counted among its customers, Sir Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Countess of Newburgh, King George IV and Sir Robert Peel.  In 2022 the company started a new chapter of Scotland’s oldest wine and spirits merchant. Following a rebrand, Cockburn’s opened its doors to the public in Edinburgh’s New Town, bringing one of our city’s most treasured names in drinking and hospitality full circle – home.

Supertonic contacted me to create two large scale pictorial graphic wallpapers that would be featured in the Cockburn’s of Leith shop, a wine & spirit’s retailer located in Edinburgh – Scotland

Main space illustration

Representing Cockburn’s of Leith as part of the Chateau Routas . Using elements such as the chateau, vineyards and general landscaping:

Upper tasting area

These caricature´s of the world famous customers were designed and located for the upper tasting area of the shop.