Graphic Artist based in Scotland

Project Brief Form

Please do take time to be as descriptive as possible; the bigger the picture you can draw for me, the better I’ll be able to understand what it is I need to design for you. 🙂

Filling in this Brief Form will allow me to get an initial understanding of your specific requirements.

Please ensure you have provided a correct email address for me to contact you with your Preliminary Project Brief.
If you haven’t officialized the name yet, use the name of the general idea.
Please provide background about your organization, e.g.: the links with the logos or images that you have been using, the website, the products that you sell, the services you provide, your customers’ profile, etc.
What type of item or design do you require? Please check all that apply or specify ‘Other’ bellow if your project type is not listed and provide complete details below
Please describe your project in as much detail as possible, specifically what items you need to be created, how and where the items will be used, and any output requirements (printing, online, etc.).
What is your total estimated available budget for this design project?
Ideally, when would you like the final design completed and ready for printing or posting online?
Please enter specific date here.

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with this valuable information. 🙂

We look forward to reviewing your responses and will be in touch with you shortly to discuss the next steps. If you would like to stay updated on our latest projects and designs, we invite you to follow us on Instagram. You can find us at @kanieman.